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HomeArchiveWhy iPhone Users Are Not ‘Cool’

Why iPhone Users Are Not ‘Cool’


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Since the 80’s the Apple brand has pushed the idea that using their products was ‘cool & individualistic’ – if you used an Apple product you were rebelling against the status quo. But does that stand true today? TMV believes not. The sad fact is that Apple has become the status quo it fought hard against in the 80’s and the early naughties. Whilst some of its products have pushed innovation boundaries including the iPod, iPhone and iPad what is cool about being dictated to?

It is ironic that Apple ran its infamous ‘1984’ television advertisement which was a clear attempt at pushing the image of being anti control. It did so by portraying anyone who did not use its products as being controlled by ‘big brother’ al la dumb, stupid whatever insult you care to use. It was a great tactic and what enabled Apple to position its brand as the real individuals computer of choice. 

However, TMV first asks what is so ‘cool’ about being controlled – which is exactly the case with all Apple products since the early 21st century. As an Apple user you are LOCKED-IN to their ecosystem. These days you cannot take the battery out of an iPod, iPhone or an Apple laptop. What is cool about that? Every other competitor product on the market allows you carry a spare battery, which you can replace at your leisure. In terms of portability it is essential that as a businessperson or staff member you have the ability to insert a new battery – no iPhone last 12 hours without a charge. Not what could be termed ‘mobile’ in anyone’s book?

TMV have spoken with very senior sources involved with Foxconn’s contracting and we’ve heard that the iPhone uses the cheapest and lowest quality components inside its shell in comparison to its key competitors. As far as TMV is aware the only quality components are the Samsung screens and processors in the iPhone and iPad products.  For example it costs Apple including labour, parts and shipping a total of just over $25 USD to make and deliver each iPhone anywhere in the world. Whereas a Samsung Galaxy 2S costs around $59 USD because it uses higher quality components according to the sources we spoke with – yet retails for half the price of the iPhone. 

Is it cool to be so blatantly ripped off? Perhaps it is for those with more money than sense (pun intended) – consumerist clones who think it is cool to be the same as everybody else. TMV asks what is cool about being a controlled clone?

The key argument why the iPhone is ‘uncool’ is quite simply the fact you have one new model a year. What is a) innovative about that; and b) individualistic? If anything it just means as an iPhone user you have become a clone. 

Yes iPhone users are a dime a dozen – what is so cool and individualistic about that? Having the same phone as everybody else just signifies that you’ve brought into the marketing, which pushes a fallacy. Being a ‘clone’ is most definitely not cool. 

Coming full circle the brand Apple, which used to mock users of competing products as ‘clones’ has built its own business on controlling its customers and treating them as clones. The irony is actually quite scary. In 2012 using an iPhone basically signifies you have become part of the status quo. 

So on your next commute to work ask the first person who pulls out their iPhone what is so cool about having the same phone as the person next to them? Then ask them how does the iPhone make them creative and individualistic? It will be interesting to hear about the responses you receive. 


  • Jakomi Mathews

    Jakomi was the original founder of The Music Void in 2007. His first startup was www.akamedia.net. Where back in 2001 we were able to track audio and audio visual broadcasts. We targeted the music industry performing rights societies as customer but ironically it was the radio broadcast who used our service to prove ads were broadcast to their advertising clients - yet the ironically PRO's started using the service from 2015 when they were dragged kicking and screaming into the 2nd decade of the 21st century. He has deep insights into the inner workings of the music business and digital music generally from working with RWD Magazine and then Rock Sound in the UK during the early 2000's. He was then involved in building some of the first artist mobile apps both before and just after the release of the first iPhone. He also worked with Muse's management for a short time and has managed an assortment of artists from Australia and the UK. He now has a new startup called goto.health which is focused on disrupting the healthcare booking sector on a global basis.

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