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Monday, March 10, 2025

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February Round-up: Four music events to attend

Winter holidays have passed quickly, and there are the wonders of the new year ahead. Best to begin it with careful planning of the festival...

Homeless Hell: The Camp That Could Kill Rock History

Sunset Studio, one of the few remaining recording studios in Hollywood after many closed due to high costs and new technologies, faces a danger worse than a single wild rock star. Sunset Sound’s three studios have produced more than 300 gold records but they could be ruined by a filthy homeless camp next to the building. Garbage is stacked high, needles and pipes are scattered on the ground and homeless people use the street as a toilet.


Tainted Love: YouTube and AI

The new statement on YouTube Official Blog might seem...

State Of Independence: Small Broadcasters Make Themselves Heard

The quarterly survey on Official Rajar (Radio Joint Audio...

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Green Tea And Cake

The legendary music impresario (and producer of bands like The Yardbirds and Wham!) tells his life story in a series of mesmerizingly candid vignettes. Sour Mouth, Sweet Bottom: Lessons from a Dissolute Life is the book Simon Napier-Bell’s fans have always hoped he’d write. Sour Mouth, Sweet Bottom makes most memoirs look like thin gruel by comparison

The Real Issues Surrounding BPI Figures And The Distribution Of Streaming Revenue…

Jakomi Mathews takes a closer look at the British Phonographic Industry's (BPI) latest study The figures show that major artists are now getting paid less than they were in 2007, despite the industry being worth more than ever before.

MENT Ljubljana 2023: Music Programme Round-up

It’s been a week since the ninth edition of MENT Ljubljana wrapped up. After savouring the impressions, we offer a round-up of the music...

BPI Study Reveals Streaming Has Democratized Music Industry, Allowing More Artists To Succeed

The BPI, which represents independent labels and major record companies in the UK, conducted new research on the success of streaming compared to the CD era. The research found that a larger number of artists are successful in the streaming era, compared to the CD era.
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Tidal Live Goes Live

Tidal Live is the new name for Tidal’s music-sharing feature, which lets subscribers broadcast their personal stream to their friends in private, invite-only sessions....

UK MP’s Seek “Equitable” Streaming Models

There is a debate in the UK about how to fairly reward performers and creators for music streaming. Some MPs have called for a "complete reset" of the market and proposed that the government pass legislation to give performers the right to "equitable remuneration"

April Roundup: Four Music Industry Events To Visit

The Music Void presents a roundup of music industry conferences and showcase events taking place in April. SONICA (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Ljubljana-based showcase SONICA presents various facets...


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Of Interest

Homeless Hell: The Camp That Could Kill Rock History

Sunset Studio, one of the few remaining recording studios in Hollywood after many closed due to high costs and new technologies, faces a danger worse than a single wild rock star. Sunset Sound’s three studios have produced more than 300 gold records but they could be ruined by a filthy homeless camp next to the building. Garbage is stacked high, needles and pipes are scattered on the ground and homeless people use the street as a toilet.

TikTok vs Universal Music and The Music Businesses Coming of Age

Well, it’s definitely been an interesting few weeks, looking across the ballfield of TikTok vs Universal Music. What is heartening to see is that major labels such as Universal Music seem to have finally learned from previous mistakes made initially in the 1980s. 

Unleashing Chaos: How To Get Free Music- And Why The Music Industry Can’t Stop It

The same platform that brought you cat videos and cringe-worthy influencers is now the go-to place for snagging every song imaginable. Thanks to some clever websites, you can rip the audio from any YouTube video, download it as an MP3 or .wav file, and sail the seas of free music. No subscriptions, no ads, no hassle.