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HomeOpinionGenerative AI And The New Pirate Mafioso’s = Silicon Valley

Generative AI And The New Pirate Mafioso’s = Silicon Valley


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So, it out in the open now. We know who the massive conglomerates and global investor firms that are stealing and pillaging through creative content owners content with total disregard for copyright and quite frankly illegal conduct


The aptly named ‘Big tech” fraternity including Meta aka Facebook, Insta and Whatsapp owner, Google Bard, Microsoft and Open Ai and the big man of Silicon Valley Marc Andreessen from A16z have all admitted that if they do not steal access to other legitimate businesses data then their generative AI investments would be not commercially viable.

Well, here’s the thing you are disgusting thieves – if you cannot build a generative AI business without stealing other people and organisations legitimate IP then you do not have a viable business. These thieves need to re-think their business model or have the full force of the law come down on them – I would suggest lock them up and throw away the keys.

Lots of money investment, and creativity goes into creating these copyrighted works of art and the owners of such are owed payment for such use of their art, no if’s no but’s! Going further these generative ai criminals should be made liable to back-pay any artist, rights owner for any of their current Generative Ai platforms illegal usage of those creative artists works in the training of such ai models for those platforms.

Does anyone in our readership have the capacity to help come up with a likely compensation payment figure that could be distributed to artists who still continue to have their creative works copyright illegally breached by these pathetic ‘tech bros’? if so please do reach out.

Interestingly, the US Copyright Office is considering updating its laws to deal directly with generative Ai. However, these pathetic tech bro pigs say having to pay for such data would cost them “tens or hundreds of billions” in yearly royalty fees – according to Marc Andresseen at A16z. They along with Google Bard and Microsoft are trying to fight back and water down any copyright legislation associated with royalty payments. So that is these guys are admitting in the open to stealing others copyright material.

If the above is the case, it means the creative industries could become one of the largest industries in the world. About bloody time I say. They have been continually exploited by these ‘tech bros’, and others to the detriment of creative artists who actually make the art. Meta could easily afford $10-$25 billion per year to be paid to rights holders for its Ai’s use of their art as could Google. Open Ai could pay a similar figure as Microsoft one of its biggest shareholders could also afford to pay a similar amount.

Instead of ripping artists and rights holders off using your quite frankly corrupt “mommy said this is the only way it could be done whinery” – how about starting to pay them what they are owed for the previous training of your generative Ai businesses. If not, then as you seem to think you are the titans of tech, why not use you incredible monetary and technological resources to work out a creative way that does not infringe creative rights holders? Just a thought right…

If not, then the only option should be jail…where are the record company heads in all this?  These companies have clearly in the light of day admitted to their illegal activity.  Major labels were super quick to be suing Napster and the like 23 years ago. Or are they coming up with another way to screw artists over by partnering with these generative ai criminals and not paying through their ‘black box income’ from these criminal partnerships to actual artists?

Some food for thought folks…



  • Jakomi Mathews

    Jakomi was the original founder of The Music Void in 2007. His first startup was www.akamedia.net. Where back in 2001 we were able to track audio and audio visual broadcasts. We targeted the music industry performing rights societies as customer but ironically it was the radio broadcast who used our service to prove ads were broadcast to their advertising clients - yet the ironically PRO's started using the service from 2015 when they were dragged kicking and screaming into the 2nd decade of the 21st century. He has deep insights into the inner workings of the music business and digital music generally from working with RWD Magazine and then Rock Sound in the UK during the early 2000's. He was then involved in building some of the first artist mobile apps both before and just after the release of the first iPhone. He also worked with Muse's management for a short time and has managed an assortment of artists from Australia and the UK. He now has a new startup called goto.health which is focused on disrupting the healthcare booking sector on a global basis.


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